Anything Together 16

5 Ways To Strengthen The Relationships With Your Stepchildren

When we were merging our families, we had 6 kids {#7 came along later}, and there were some things I did well, and some things I wish I had done differently with my stepkids. But I always tried to be intentional about building those relationships. Over the course of the last 20 years of being […]

The 5 Most Important Things A Husband Needs From His Wife

THE 5 MOST IMPORTANT THINGS A HUSBAND NEEDS FROM HIS WIFE He needs her friendship. He needs her to admire him. He needs her to add peace to his life. He needs her to appreciate him. He needs her intimacy and affection. Check out the video below and let us know what you think!  And […]

Baby, I Was Born This Way

“Sorry – this is just who I am, and I can’t change it, so you’ll just have to take it or leave it.”  Have you ever heard those words? Have you ever said them yourself?  This is a response people may use when they’re being combative, remaining in unconfessed sin, or continuing unhealthy habits in […]

Remember How Much You Love Them

Back when our “kids” were kids, sometimes they could be little angels, and at other times we didn’t know how we would make it through the day. Parenting is hard, and there’s no sugar-coating that.  There are times when frustration turns to anger. Sadly, some parents struggle with losing their temper so much that they […]