Anything Together 16

Conflict Avoidance

Conflict Avoidance

Episode 9 of the Anything Together podcast is now available on your favorite podcast platform… “Conflict Avoidance” featuring Wayne and his son-in-law, Max Tooker.” Conflict avoidance sounds nice but it’s actually really bad for your marriage. Avoiding the confrontation and the difficult conversation can sew discord and division in your marriage. Wayne and his son-in-law, […]

Speaking Opinions as Facts

The Problem of Speaking Opinions as Facts

Trust, understanding, and intimacy are all formed within the nurtured environment of healthy communication. Having said that, I want to talk to all the husbands out there. Because I believe I can help solve a problem you may be having in your marriage. To be specific, I’m referring to a communication flaw where husbands are […]



Forgiveness Forgiveness is a lifeline. It’s a lifesaving gift. It saves the life of a relationship that could easily die if that lifeline is not extended. And it has for sure saved our marriage… countless times. And it’s our strong belief that not a single marriage on this planet can survive without generous helpings of […]

Blended Family Challenges That Are Often Overlooked

Blended Family Challenges You Might Have Overlooked

After 20+ years of blending a family we noticed some things. And we recognized some blended family challenges that are often overlooked.  We faced some unique circumstances that required a lot of selflessness. And with a lot of patience, plenty of understanding, and a willingness to work together, we got through it.  But, there were […]

How to Stop Constantly Fighting in Your Marriage

Stop Marital Fighting

One thing that can drain the life out of a marriage faster than  anything… is constantly fighting. Does that describe your marriage? If it does, we want to encourage you! Hope is definitely not lost! I know it may feel like you can’t get out of that rut you’re in, but you can with a […]

Are You Gaslighting Your Spouse?

You may be wondering what gaslighting even means. It’s a pretty contemporary word, and its usage has gained a lot of traction in recent years. Here is Merriam-Webster’s definition of gaslighting: “Psychological manipulation of a person usually over an extended period of time that causes the victim to question the validity of their own thoughts, perception […]

Baby, I Was Born This Way

“Sorry – this is just who I am, and I can’t change it, so you’ll just have to take it or leave it.”  Have you ever heard those words? Have you ever said them yourself?  This is a response people may use when they’re being combative, remaining in unconfessed sin, or continuing unhealthy habits in […]