Anything Together 16

Conflict Avoidance

Conflict Avoidance

Episode 9 of the Anything Together podcast is now available on your favorite podcast platform… “Conflict Avoidance” featuring Wayne and his son-in-law, Max Tooker.” Conflict avoidance sounds nice but it’s actually really bad for your marriage. Avoiding the confrontation and the difficult conversation can sew discord and division in your marriage. Wayne and his son-in-law, […]

A Conversation with Newlyweds

A Conversation with Newlyweds - Max and Lauren

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BA2-5E6f4Aw A Conversation with Newlyweds Episode 8 of the Anything Together podcast is now available on your favorite podcast platform… “A Conversation with Newlyweds” featuring Max and Lauren Tooker.” We’re excited that our very first guests on the podcast were our kids: our daughter, Lauren, and our son-in-law, Max! They just celebrated 3 months of […]



Forgiveness Forgiveness is a lifeline. It’s a lifesaving gift. It saves the life of a relationship that could easily die if that lifeline is not extended. And it has for sure saved our marriage… countless times. And it’s our strong belief that not a single marriage on this planet can survive without generous helpings of […]

Being Gentle With Your Wife

Marriage is a sacred union ordained by God, and it’s our responsibility, as husbands, to lead it biblically. As believers, we are called to love our wife as Christ loves the church, and this love must be reflected in the way we treat her. This article will examine the biblical importance of being gentle with […]

How to Stop Constantly Fighting in Your Marriage

Stop Marital Fighting

One thing that can drain the life out of a marriage faster than  anything… is constantly fighting. Does that describe your marriage? If it does, we want to encourage you! Hope is definitely not lost! I know it may feel like you can’t get out of that rut you’re in, but you can with a […]

7 Ways That Dating Makes Your Marriage Healthier


Early on in our marriage, LeAnn and I were only able to have date nights once in a blue moon. With a young blended family, it was a real challenge to find babysitters or even opportunities for alone time. And unfortunately, that was enough to convince us that we didn’t need to focus on it […]

Improving Communication In Your Marriage

Improving Communication In Your Marriage

Improving communication in your marriage is one of the keys to its long-lasting sustainability.  In our 20 years of marriage… we have learned how to communicate, and how NOT to communicate!  And in this episode we talk all about what we learned, how we’ve done it wrong, and we have some tips on improving the […]

The 5 Most Important Things A Wife Needs From Her Husband

THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS A WIFE NEEDS FROM HER HUSBAND  She needs her husband to COMMUNICATE well with her She Needs Her Husband to Be Present She needs her husband to be her TEAMMATE She needs her husband to be the spiritual LEADER She needs AFFECTION and INTIMACY from her husband  Check out this important […]

The 5 Most Important Things A Husband Needs From His Wife

THE 5 MOST IMPORTANT THINGS A HUSBAND NEEDS FROM HIS WIFE He needs her friendship. He needs her to admire him. He needs her to add peace to his life. He needs her to appreciate him. He needs her intimacy and affection. Check out the video below and let us know what you think!  And […]