Anything Together 16

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Sanctification in Marriage

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Sanctification in Marriage

One of the foundational keys to a healthy Christian marriage is a couple’s commitment to their individual spiritual growth and sanctification.

But before we dive into this, let’s first understand what sanctification means. Sanctification is the gracious work of God. It’s His ongoing work in and through us that makes us more like Christ.

But we aren’t supposed to remain passive in our sanctification. God calls us to participate in it through obedience to His Word, through meditation on His Word, through prayer and fasting, and other spiritual disciplines.

So, we have a responsibility to participate in it, but it’s God’s grace that enables us to participate.

And the effect this has on your marriage is miraculous. Through the individual growth that comes from attending to our role in sanctification, we are shaped into better spouses, better Christians, and better marriages!

Okay, here are some quick thoughts on what this looks like. 

Personal Spiritual Growth

The commitment of each of you to your own spiritual development is absolutely key. By seeking God individually, you’re better equipped to contribute to your marriage. This doesn’t mean achieving perfection, but a shared journey toward Christlikeness is crucial to the health of your relationship.

Mutual Support and Accountability

In a Christian marriage, spouses play a vital role in supporting each other’s spiritual journey. This is where mutual accountability comes in. By openly discussing your struggles and goals, you create an environment of trust that fosters spiritual growth in both of you.

Practicing Love and Forgiveness

Look, I know this sounds super obvious, but loving and forgiving like Christ is at the core of every Christian marriage. When both of you actively practice love and forgiveness, you create an atmosphere of grace. Which not only strengthens your bond but it also reflects God’s love.

Persevering Through Challenges

Man, no marriage is without its challenges. But when both of you are committed to your individual sanctification, you will approach difficulties with resilience and humility. Those things are just byproducts of the sanctifying process. And in that you’ll recognize that challenges can refine you, and that they aren’t necessarily horrible negative things. Which will make your marital bond even stronger.

So there you have it, friends!

Behind every healthy Christian marriage are a husband and wife with a shared commitment to individual spiritual growth through sanctification. As you grow individually and support each other’s journey, you build a foundation that withstands the tests of time.

We would love it if you would comment below and let us know what your thoughts are after reading this! 

And remember, it’s not about being perfect, it’s about growing together in Christ!

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Wayne and LeAnn

Hi, we’re Wayne and LeAnn Thomas! We’ve been married for 20 years, and we have a blended family with 7 grown children (ranging from 18-34) and 7 grandchildren! 

Along the way, we’ve experienced overwhelming joy and happiness. But, we’ve also experienced life-changing difficulties. 

Our hope is that as we share and reflect on our own story in an open and honest way, you will be encouraged, challenged, and maybe even inspired. 

Welcome to Anything Together! 

Wayne and LeAnn

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